
Edition #1: Create & Encourage Future Fashion Systems

January 21, 2021

Edition #1: Create & Encourage Future Fashion Systems

Edition #1 of 202030 – The Berlin Fashion Summit was held digitally on 22–24 January 2021 as a cooperation between studio MM04, Sqetch, and the Beneficial Design Institute to develop a collective approach to defining the conversation on sustainability. By bringing together a range of industry stakeholders, this preliminary digital conference foregrounded the journey to creating future fashion systems. This edition focused on three key themes: Fashion Culture, exploring the relationship between fashion, identity, and society; Fashion Economy, rethinking financial models for a sustainable future; and Fashion Product, advancing materials, processes, and design for a circular economy.


Amber Jae Slooten | The Fabricant
Dr. Amanda Parkes | Pangaia / Future Tech Lab
Dr. Anne Prahl | Design & Innovation Consultant
Bandana Tewari
| Lifestyle Journalist & Sustainability Activist
Cecilia Palmér | The Craft Atlas
Eva Kruse | Global Fashion Agenda
Femke Zijlstra | Independent consultant/former DyeCoo
Prof. Friederike von Wedel-Parlow | Beneficial Design Institute
Gijs Könings | Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Ina Budde |
Jade Buddenberg | Zalando SE
Leslie Holden | The Digital Fashion Group
Lorenzo Albrighi | Lablaco
Marjorie Hernandez de Vogelsteller | Lukso
Marte Hentschel | Sqetch

Matthew Drinkwater | Head of the Fashion Innovation Agency, London College of Fashion
Max Gilgenmann | Studio MM04
Melissa Drier | Former German correspondent for Women’s Wear Daily

Michael Braungart | Co-Founder of the Cradle to Cradle Design Concept
Orsola de Castro | Fashion Revolution
Patrick Duffy | Global Fashion Exchange
Prof. Dr. Renate Stauss | The American University of Paris
Rune Orloff | Pool
Dr. Ulf Jaeckel | Federal Ministry for the Environment, Germany
Ulrich Plein | GIZ/BMZ

Watch any of the recorded sessions on Vimeo