Our values

studio MM04's roots are in fashion activism. We position ourselves at the intersection of progressive sustainability and economic viability.

As a values-driven company, we stand for the maximization of environmental wellbeing, human rights, positive innovation, and collaborative solutions.

We use our platform and network to spotlight change makers who are driving the sustainability conversation into bold new territory.

Our sustainability approach

The Four Pillar Model


business development



supply chain transparency


circular economy

regenerative practices

impact measurement







fair trade & labor




Our stance is based on the four pillar model of sustainability. This is our integrative lens for creating positive transformation.

Our method

Meaningful Marketing

Fashion is a powerful language. We believe that this industry can be an arena for positive global change, and it all starts with finding the right communication. We call our approach Meaningful Marketing, combining transparency, personality, and aesthetics with data-driven KPI's. When your brand communicates and develops with Meaningful Marketing, it ensures:

  • Presenting the best version of your brand to future clients and connections.

  • Raising awareness about environmental, economic, social and cultural sustainability.

  • Ensuring both agility and stability for future-proof growth.

  • Staying in compliance with communication legislation through transparency and impact measurement.

  • Taking a leadership role in the global conversation on sustainability.

Our DEIB positioning

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Beloning

Studio MM04’s vision of sustainability means a viable future for all – in all parts of the world, from all backgrounds, living all lifestyles. We believe in equity and justice for marginalized genders, cultures, socioeconomic groups, physical and cognitive abilities, ages, and sexualities. We understand that complicity or neutrality within a harmful system creates further harm. We choose to challenge such systems, and to be accomplices to positive change. 

Within our Berlin ecosystem, this means learning from those whose experiences differ from our own, and uplifting those who have fewer resources. In our global positioning, it means fighting for a fair, regenerative fashion industry, at all tiers of production. We work with Fashion Revolution, Drip by Drip, Auf Augenhöhe, uns*, Platte.Berlin, and many other local and international initiatives as active allies to a rich variety of social and cultural movements. 

Education is the firestarter of change; we therefore offer company trainings and workshops on why diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging matter to fashion. Our ears are always open – learning starts with listening. Contact us to talk about how we can work together to transform fashion.